Using SQL TimeStamps in datagrid


Craig G

im not too sure how i should be storing the SQL2000 timestamps

basically i return a dataset which is used to populate an editable grid.
this dataset contains the timestamp. how should i be storing the timestamps
for each grid row? is it possible to hold them in the grid in someway? or do
i need to look at other means

ive only used Oracle Timestamps before and they where just decimal
timestamps which made it easy!! could just store them in the grid in a
hidden column.

any help would be greatly appreciated


Wilco Bauwer

You could use a boundcolumn and change its visiblity to false through
the Visible property. However, why do you really need to store it as a
hidden value?

Craig G

i need to hold/use it for concurrency.

if i do hold it in a boundcolumn then how do i get it out? my other columns
are template columns and i can just find the values using
CType(e.Item.FindControl("lblAttendanceHeaderID"), Label).Text

Wilco Bauwer

Almost the same thing. Just inspect what's inside e.Item.Cells. There
should be a cell which either directly contains the datetime value, or
a literal or something which holds it.

bruce barker

sqlserver timestamps are binary data (actually a bigendin 8 byte integer).
load it into a byte array, which you can base64 encode and store in a
hidden field.

-- bruce (

| im not too sure how i should be storing the SQL2000 timestamps
| basically i return a dataset which is used to populate an editable grid.
| this dataset contains the timestamp. how should i be storing the
| for each grid row? is it possible to hold them in the grid in someway? or
| i need to look at other means
| ive only used Oracle Timestamps before and they where just decimal
| timestamps which made it easy!! could just store them in the grid in a
| hidden column.
| any help would be greatly appreciated
| Cheers,
| Craig

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