using reflection to discover a nested structure




Can anyone supply an example or reference to an example of using
reflection to determine the data types contained in a nested stucture
in C#? Once I get the list of MemberInfo[] and determine that
MemberInfo.MemberType.ToString().Equals("NestedType"), I cannot
figure out how to drill down from that point.



Chris Dunaway

bill said:

Can anyone supply an example or reference to an example of using
reflection to determine the data types contained in a nested stucture
in C#? Once I get the list of MemberInfo[] and determine that
MemberInfo.MemberType.ToString().Equals("NestedType"), I cannot
figure out how to drill down from that point.

You would have to use Activator.CreateInstance to get a reference to
the NestedType and then use the same method to drill down.

I think it would be something like this:

ClassA aObj = new ClassA();
Type t = aObj.GetType();

ClassB b = t.InvokeMember("membername", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null,
aObj, null) as ClassB;

So if "membername" is a property of ClassA that is an instance of
ClassB, the InvokeMember line will get a reference to that member.

I'm now sure how you would change this for your NestedType, but it
should be similar.


Dave Sexton

Hi Bill,

Think of it like this: If you knew that a MemberInfo instance was a property,
you would cast it to PropertyInfo. And if a MemberInfo was a field, then you
could cast it to FieldInfo. So what do you cast a MemberInfo to that is a
nested Type? Type. (TypeInfo would be semantically equivalent to Type, so
there is no need for a TypeInfo class :)

class Outer
public class Inner
public int AField;

class Program
static void Main()
foreach (MemberInfo member in typeof(Outer).GetMembers())
if (member.MemberType == MemberTypes.NestedType)
// MemberInfo that is a NestedType is just a Type itself
Type nestedType = (Type) member;

Console.WriteLine("Members of {0}: ", nestedType);

foreach (MemberInfo nestedMember in nestedType.GetMembers())
Console.WriteLine("Nested Member: " + nestedMember.Name);

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