Using PDA to open auto-generated Excel file



I have some VBA logic that emails users an Excel file containing the Access
recordset applicable to them. The users can open it from Outlook on their
Desktop PC, but can't open it using their PDA's Excel Mobile application.
Their PDA can open other Excel file attachments in their email, but just not
ones sent by Access SendObject. Any ideas if their is some setting I need to
set or another type of command/function I need to use other than sendobject?



I have some VBA logic that emails users an Excel file containing the Access
recordset applicable to them. The users can open it from Outlook on their
Desktop PC, but can't open it using their PDA's Excel Mobile application.
Their PDA can open other Excel file attachments in their email, but just not
ones sent by Access SendObject. Any ideas if their is some setting I need to
set or another type of command/function I need to use other than sendobject?


Just a shot, but is it a versioning issue? Can you specify a
different version of xls file to be sent via SendObject? Is there an
update available for the PDA application?

Aunt Joy


Did a lot of testing and found out it is a versioning issue. Blackberries
cannot open Excel 5.0 which is the only way SendObject formats excel files.
So, I have automated my email piece with MAPI to get around SendObject's
limitations of XLS formats and it works! Thanks for your guess. It's right!


Did a lot of testing and found out it is a versioning issue. Blackberries
cannot open Excel 5.0 which is the only way SendObject formats excel files.
So, I have automated my email piece with MAPI to get around SendObject's
limitations of XLS formats and it works! Thanks for your guess. It's right!

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No problem, glad to help.

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