using Paging in Datagrid


Yangtsi River

I am adding a paging function to a datagrid control, the datasource is a
DataSet Object. Based on some articles, I just add some attributes to
datagrid, ie.
it is nice that it worked , page index appeared.
But when I clicked the page index,no paging effect appeared, on the web
page is the same record as the first view.

I got some conflicting instruction on this,some say u just need add some
attrubutes,since the datagrid support paging itself, while other say u still
add some sub for an event on PageindexChanged and rebind the new data again.

who is right? since it support paging,why Can't I use it by just adding
some paging attributes.


Benjie Fallar

on the PageIndexChanged event, add the following line of codes

dataGrid1.currentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex

dim dv as new DataView
dv = myDataset.Tables(0).DefaultView
dv.sort = e.SortExpression

dataGrid1.dataSource = dv

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