Ben Fidge
I've got a small home network consisting of a Win2k Server, XP desktop pc
and a laptop. I want to be able to use Outlook from either my desktop pc or
my laptop, depending on where I am in the house.
Currently, Outlook on my desktop pc connects to my btopenworld account and
retrieves and stores my emails. Can I get my laptop's Outlook to use the
same data file as the desktop pc, or do I need something like Exchange?
Ultimately, I'd like to put the outlook datafile on my server and have both
the laptop and desktop access that, nut I can't get it working.
Any help greatfully received.
and a laptop. I want to be able to use Outlook from either my desktop pc or
my laptop, depending on where I am in the house.
Currently, Outlook on my desktop pc connects to my btopenworld account and
retrieves and stores my emails. Can I get my laptop's Outlook to use the
same data file as the desktop pc, or do I need something like Exchange?
Ultimately, I'd like to put the outlook datafile on my server and have both
the laptop and desktop access that, nut I can't get it working.
Any help greatfully received.