Using old Windows CD player accessory?


Shin Hibiki

I recently bought a new Dell machine with XP after using Win98
for several years. I copied over the executable and configuration
files for the old CD player accessory (CDPLAYER.EXE and so on). I'd
prefer to be able to use the old player, as I have taken the time to
enter full track info for a few hundred CDs, including a lot of stuff
that I highly doubt will be in the WMP database.
Anyway, when I insert a CD, the player briefly recognizes it,
but quickly switches to "Data or no disc loaded," and all the controls
are grayed out. Anything I can do to make it work, or am I out of
luck? Alternatively, if I could at least import the old CDPLAYER.INI
data to WMP somehow, I'd probably be happy with that.

- Steve S.

zachd [ms]

Great name (I run the local CvS2/MvC2 tournaments in Seattle). :)

CDPlayer.ini is worthless and cannot be imported - it only contains vague
fragments of information. Since I know the guy that wrote how it stores
data, he apologizes to you for that, and promises that he did it right for
WMP. :)

I'd just bite the bullet and start using WMP for CDs... I don't know about
others, but I've added information for hundreds of odds and ends CDs that I
have that nobody else in their right mind would have (Geinoh Yamashirogumi
comes to mind), so either the info will be found or you can add it. :)

(speaking for myself and doing this in my free time)
See for some helpful WMP info.
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