Using interfaces for sharing properties Part II...



Karl pointed me towards the use of interfaces to share information between
controls. I'm getting the hang of it, but still running into some
logic/syntax problems.

What I'm trying to do is have a usercontrol set a property. I then want the
parent page to read that property, and set a new property defined within an
interface. I then want ANOTHER usercontrol to be able to access that
property from the interface.

Ultimately, I want one UC to be able to set a variabel that other UC's on
the page can read without any of the UC's needing to know what the parent
page actually is.

The 'getVariables' usercontrol that sets the variable is set up as such:
Private testVariable as String = "monkey"
Property PropTestVariable as string
return testVariable
end Get
testVariable = value
end set
end Property

the parent page is trying to read it as such:
public UC_getVariables as getVariables
Public testVariableFromGetVariables = UC_getVariables.PropTestVariable

The problem is that the above gives me the old Object reference not set to
an instance of an object. and is where I'm currently stuck on things. Is
there any obvious syntax problems or logic problems in my above code?



Private testVariable as String = "monkey"

DUH! I had that PRIVATE instead of PUBLIC.

d'oh. All fixed now.

(slaps forehead)


Karl Seguin

Is there an actual user control of type getVariables with an id
"UC_getVariables" on your page?

<uc1:getVariables id="UC_getVariables" runat="server" />

or dynamically created:
dim UC_getVariables as getVariables =
ctype(Page.LoadControl("getVariables.ascx"), getVariables)


Seems like you are naming it, just not creating it.



Is there an actual user control of type getVariables with an id
"UC_getVariables" on your page?

No. I'm declaring it as such:

public UC_getVariables as getVariables

(the actual usercontrol is 'getVariables')

We seemed to post at the exact same time. The problem (I think) is that my
property I was trying to read was Private, not public. That fixed things.

However, since you're here ;o) I have a followup.

I can now read this property from the parent page. And I can set it as such:
Public x = UC_getVariables.PropTestVariable
Property contentID as object Implements IGetGlobalPageProperties.contentID
return x
end Get
x = value
end set
end Property

But this is where I'm back to square one. I'm not sure how to reference the
above property from another child control on the page. You had mentioned
earlier that I can reference the interface from there. I've tried something
like this:


But I'm left with the 'refrence to a non-shared member...' error.



But this is where I'm back to square one. I'm not sure how to reference
above property from another child control on the page. You had mentioned
earlier that I can reference the interface from there. I've tried something
like this:


I'm re-reading your tutorial:

I'm struggling a bit with the logic.

I think I got to the point where you make samplePage implement

In my example, the parent page implements 'IGetGlobalPageProperties' which,
in turn, sets a property for 'contentID'
But it looks like I'm missing that second step...of declaring a class to
make use of the contnetID property.


Karl Seguin

Looking at your previous post, I think ur trying to access contentId from
IGetGlobalPAgeProperties directly. What you need to do is get it from the
page, which implements IGetGlobalPageProperties

in your user control you do:

dim properties as IGetGlobalPageProperties = ctype(Page,

and you should then be able to do properties.ContentId



Looking at your previous post, I think ur trying to access contentId from
IGetGlobalPAgeProperties directly. What you need to do is get it from the
page, which implements IGetGlobalPageProperties

in your user control you do:

dim properties as IGetGlobalPageProperties = ctype(Page,

and you should then be able to do properties.ContentId

Hey Karl,

As always, thanks for all the help!

I did the above, but that gives me this error:

Specified cast is not valid.
dim propertiesFromParent as IGetGlobalPageProperties = ctype(Page,

To clarify what I have:

default.aspx (implements IGetGlobalPageProperties and reads properties from
- getVariables.ascx (sets properties)_
- otherControl.ascx (uses the cast above in an attempt to read the
contentID property from default.aspx (via the interface)

I'm not quite sure what the cast is doing. How does it know to cast the
parent page?

I tried this:

dim propertiesFromParent as IGetGlobalPageProperties = ctype(Page.parent,

Which gets past the above error, but I can't access the property as such:

because I get the ' Object reference not set to an instance of an object. '


Karl Seguin


Page is a reference to the parent page...Page.Parent gives you a null
reference becaue the parent page has no parent.

if ctype(Page, IGet..) returns an invalid cast, it means that the page the
user control is placed on doesn't implement IGetGlobalPageProperties

if otherControl.ascx is placed on default.aspx which implements
IGetGlobalPageProperties, then the cast should work and something is amiss.
If you want to be able to use otherControl on a page which doesn't implement
IGetGlobalPageProperties as well, then you need to do:

if not Page Is IGetGlobalPageProperties then
'what to do if the control isn't placed on a page which implements the
'maybe use a default?
ctype(Page, IGetGlobalPageProperties)..
end if

If you have a simple 1 page and 2 user control example (+ interface) feel
free to email me a zip @ karlseguin @ hotmail . com (remove spaces)



if ctype(Page, IGet..) returns an invalid cast, it means that the page the
user control is placed on doesn't implement IGetGlobalPageProperties's what I have in default.aspx:

Public Class default9th
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
implements IGetGlobalPageProperties


'read the variable from the UC 'getVariables'
Public contentIDsetByGetVariablesUC = UC_getVariables.PropTestVariable

'set the property
Property contentID as object Implements IGetGlobalPageProperties.ContentID
return contentIDsetByGetVariablesUC
end Get
contentIDsetByGetVariablesUC = value
end set
end Property

Then, in my 'otherControl' I have this:

dim propertiesFromParent as IGetGlobalPageProperties = ctype(page,

response.Write (propertiesFromParent.contentID)

Am I making an obvious syntax/logic blunder somewhere?
if otherControl.ascx is placed on default.aspx which implements
IGetGlobalPageProperties, then the cast should work and something is amiss.
If you want to be able to use otherControl on a page which doesn't implement
IGetGlobalPageProperties as well, then you need to do:

if not Page Is IGetGlobalPageProperties then
'what to do if the control isn't placed on a page which implements the
'maybe use a default?
ctype(Page, IGetGlobalPageProperties)..
end if

Ah...good point. Another reason why the 'controls reading from parent pages'
maybe isn't the best technique.

Originally, the whole point of this excercise was that I'm storing a bunch
of page-centric information in an XML file and I felt (perhaps erroneously)
that having each control read from the same XML file to be redundant and not
efficient. However, I'm beginning to rethink that and thinking that perhaps
that is the best way. Cache the XML file, and let each control read directly
from it rather than having a UC act as this 'middle man' passing info back
up to the parent page.
If you have a simple 1 page and 2 user control example (+ interface) feel
free to email me a zip @ karlseguin @ hotmail . com (remove spaces)

That's generous of you! I might take you up on that. ;o)



I've attached a very simple and basic working example. From what you've
given me everything looks ok...see if you can't spot the difference between
what I'm sending and what you have. Lemme know what you find out.

Wow. Spent about an hour going through your example and comparing it line by
line. I had a few errors on my part here and there.

One last question...which I don't think is directly related to interfaces,
is this:

I was declaring my Usercontrols like this:

protected UC_controlName as controlName

while you were using:

protected controlName as controlName

My way would result in ' Object reference not set to an instance of an
object.' errors.

Anyways, I got it working, and I understand about 90% of it, so I've come a
long way with this. Thank you! I owe you a beer! (or two!)

BTW, I've started reading through some of your other articles on your site.
That's a great resource!


Karl Seguin

thanks... and glad it's mosty working..

how you declare it shouldn't matter. however, you might misunderstand (a
sign that my method is ambiguous (and it is)). I'm not doing:

protected controName as controlName

I'm doing

protected instancceId as controlName

if you look at the aspx file you'll see I have:

<uc1:GetVariables id=getVariables runat="server"></uc1:GetVariables>

in page.aspx you can see that I have id=getVariables had I done
id=uc_GetVariables I would then end up with the following declaration:

protected uc_GetVariables as GetVariables

It was confusing of me to give control the same ID as the class
guess is that you didn't actually have a control named uc_GetVariables in
the aspx page...hence you didn't have an instance...hence the exception..



protected instancceId as controlName

(me slaps forehead)

ARGH! Of course! I wasn't connecting it to the UC ID declared in the ASPX
page. I normally preface all my control names with what they are (textbox_,
uc_, label_, etc.) and I didn't this time as I was just throwing things
together to test with.

That's another headache gone ;o)

Thanks again, Karl!


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