Using Input Box results in a formula



Hi, I was hoping someone could help me.
I've got a macro that asks the user for two inputs, defined as MyValue
and MyValue2. How do I use the results in a formula though?
This is the code that I have currently:

MyValue1 = Application.InputBox("How many days is the current event?")
MyValue2 = Application.InputBox("How far through the current even
are you?")
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=[MyValue1]/[MyValue2]"

However, it crashes out on putting the formula in. How do I correctl
call the results of MyValue1 & 2 and put them into a formula?

Any help greatly appreciated!

Don Guillett

Sub dividedays()
Range("b1").Value = InputBox("How many days in event") / InputBox("How far
End Sub

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)

Gord Dibben


Why do you need a formula entered into Y1?

You can enter the computed value directly.

Public Sub qwerty()
Dim MyValue1 As Long
Dim MyValue2 As Long
MyValue1 = InputBox("How many days is the current event?")
MyValue2 = InputBox("How far through the current event are you?")
ActiveCell.Value = MyValue1 / MyValue2
End Sub

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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