Using back button doesnt work sometimes...



When I'm using IE and I go to and I type in a search for a band
and the search results come up and I click on a cd and then I want to go back
to the search by hitting the back button it tells me the page cannot be
displayed. I can use FireFox and I have no problems going back on websites
but IE always does this to me. What could be the problem?

Jan Il

Hi fenixtx :)

Try the following and see if it helps:

Cannot Navigate Back to Previous Web Page;EN-US;q298639

Back Button - "Page has expired" error when using back button

Your settings may be incorrect

Error Message: Warning: Page Has Expired: The Page You Requested...;EN-US;Q183763
Often this option is set by the web site itself, but you can try creating a
new IE cache if you wish.


Here's a bit of information that explains what can happen to cause this.

Back - Return to the page you just left


Internet Browsing

IE6 SP1 fixes this problem - 319792;EN-US;Q319792

Try using the Refresh button and see if that lets you go back.


Help Getting Back

Often you can open a link in a new window.
Then instead of using the Back button to return to the first page
just close the second window. Doing that has the additional advantage
that often you won't even lose your place on the previous page.

Another aspect on the matter:

As an additional should also be aware that webmasters can, and
many do, set up their website coding to prevent use of the back button,
which will create the Page has Expired situation, and there is nothing you
can do to correct or prevent this in IE. Once you are sure you have covered
all avenues on your end to be sure it is not IE related, you can send a
message to the webmaster and ask them to check or remove that part of their
coding. It is a widely used practice by many webmasters, but,
unfortunately, there seems to be no web policy to prevent this type of
entrapment, so to speak, other than peer pressure that it is not good form.
Sometimes, it is just that they have not kept up with the changes in XP or
SP2 that may affect how those users can access or view their website. It's
just another aspect of the problem many are not aware of.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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None of the things you told me to do worked. Like I said in my first post
for example...whenever I go to and type in a search and the search
results come up I click on one and then when I try to go back it says "This
page cannot be displayed". It also does this on various other web sites when
I search for things and then try to go back to the search results. Its not
just amazon and also whenever I use FireFox it works fine, so there is
something wrong with IE. What should I try now?

Jan Il

Hi fenixtx :)
None of the things you told me to do worked. Like I said in my first post
for example...whenever I go to and type in a search and the search
results come up I click on one and then when I try to go back it says "This
page cannot be displayed". It also does this on various other web sites when
I search for things and then try to go back to the search results. Its not
just amazon and also whenever I use FireFox it works fine, so there is
something wrong with IE. What should I try now?

I am sorry, but, I don't have any other suggestions for this problem.
Perhaps someone else here will have a solution for you.

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Robert Aldwinckle

fenixtx said:
None of the things you told me to do worked. Like I said in my first post
for example...whenever I go to and type in a search and the search
results come up I click on one and then when I try to go back it says "This
page cannot be displayed". It also does this on various other web sites when
I search for things and then try to go back to the search results. Its not
just amazon and also whenever I use FireFox it works fine, so there is
something wrong with IE. What should I try now?

Best solution is to avoid using the Back button
by opening a search result item in its own window.
Then instead of using the Back button to "go back"
to the launching search page all you have to do is
close that window (or if you want to keep it, minimize it).
Another advantage to doing that is that your position
with the search page will be preserved.

BTW I don't have Firefox to know for sure but it's possible
their implementation of Back does not involve a server
access, which may be what is causing the problem for IE.
In that case, you might be able to simulate better what
Firefox is doing by setting Work Offline (e.g. Alt-F,W)
before trying to use the Back button, or setting your
cache checking option to Never (Alt-T,O,Alt-S,N)


Robert Aldwinckle

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