Using an action button.



How do I insert a button into a spreadsheet that will "clear" all values from
cells that are intended for inputting data, but not clear other cells that
are not meant for data input? As part of this I suppose I need some way to
designate which cells are meant for data input and which ones are not.
Thanks, MichaelZ

Don Guillett

Simplest way. Hold down the control key while selecting each cell you want
to clear>goto the namebox just to the left of the formula box and type in
rngtoclear>fire this macro assigned to a shape or forms button.

Sub clearcells()
End Sub


Ran into a little problem...
Some of the input cells were merged cells, so an error message reading,
"Cannot change part of a merged cell" was generated. Is there any way around
this? I still want to be able to clear the input cells, even if they are
merged cells.

Don Guillett

In the defined name, you will have to specifically reference the merged
cells as shown here. g9 not merged.

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