Using a tabbed form for record navigation



My users typically have 5 or 6 records selected/filtered and then move
between these records using standard navigation buttons. The form has 3
sub-forms. These records contain details of ships which they are
managing so need quick access to details when called.
They have requested that these records are access via tabs (showing
Ship's name and Votyage No.) as they could click on correct Ship tab
rather than having to scroll through a number of records to find
correct one.

Any thoughts or pointers as how to achieve this would be gratefully



Hi Simon,

Are each of the subforms showing the same data for each of the 3 ships, or
are they each showing different data for 1 ship?

As far as the tabs are concerned, I would probably use a text box formatted
to look like a tab label, drawing it's source data from your filters, showing
requested data, with the onClick event either selecting the required ship, or
subform(dependeing on above answer).

It kind of depends on recordsource of main form and how it relates to the
subforms as how to best acheive the actual coding,



Hi Tony,
The sub forms show different data for a single ship (original estimate,
voyage end data and lastly account closed data). Each Operations
manager runs about 10 ships but seldom needs to work on all 10 at the
same time hence 4-5 being typical). They receive many, many calls from
charters so need to quickly look at the data for the vessels they are
currently working on. Typically they select their ships first thing in
morning so that they have the 5/6 vessel records already filtered (note
most voyages are quite short so each ship gets a new record as
frequently as every 5 days! but the manager is only interested in the
current voyage most of the time).

What they are looking for is the 5 or 6 vessels to have a named "tab"
so they just click on this to get the relevant data.

I like the idea of the text boxes and I assume you meant that each txt
box would contain ship name for example. However the number of boxes
would need to be dynamically calculated as some times they would have
just 3 ship's records filtered and other times 6 or possibly even more.



Hi again Simon,

Perhaps if you have your main form with the filtered records, then simply
give each unbound textbox (made to look like a tab or button) the value of
the ships name, done in order from left to right (or in 2 rows to enable 10),
lock them, and make invisible any that are Null, then use their value to
further filter the main form, which will automatically update the subforms.
Make sure they are unbound textboxes you are creating for the tabs otherwise
it won't work.

Hope that helps some more,



Hi Tony,

I will try this and let you know. In any event, thanks for your

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