Using a Combo-box to set Check-box property to yes



I have a combo-box that has the following choices: In-Progress, Inventory,
Demo, Sold. Depending on the selection made I need to set a check box on the
form to "Yes or True?" The check-boxes are called: Act:IP, Act:Inv, Act:Demo,
Act:Sold. Is it possible to do this? Thanks for your help.

Van T. Dinh

Use the AfterUpdate Event of the ComboBox to assign the value(s) of the

I assumed these CheckBoxes are independent CheckBoxes and not part of an
Option Group / Frame.

Check Access VB Help on the AfterUpdate Event of a ComboBox.


I know to use the afterupdate event of the combobox, but I'm not sure of the
proper syntax to set the value for the checkbox. Can you give me an example?


Thanks for your help, I figured it out before you posted your reply. Here is
the way I did it just in case anyone else needs to know:

Private Sub Stat_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Stat
Case Is = "Inventory"
Me![Act:Inv] = True
Me![Act:IP] = False
Me![Act:Demo] = False
Me![Act:Sold] = False

Case Is = "In-Progress"
Me![Act:IP] = True
Me![Act:Inv] = False
Me![Act:Demo] = False
Me![Act:Sold] = False

Case Is = "Demo"
Me![Act:Demo] = True
Me![Act:IP] = False
Me![Act:Inv] = False
Me![Act:Sold] = False

Case Is = "Sold"
Me![Act:Sold] = True
Me![Act:IP] = False
Me![Act:Inv] = False
Me![Act:Demo] = False
End Select

End Sub

Thanks again

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