


I hope someone can help me. Recently, logged on as
administrator only to find my desktop had disappeared. I
checked under 'users' to see if it was still there only
to find that there was an additional 'admin' user
as 'admin home-rqhi9...' and 'admin home-rqhi...bak'.
All the saved admin files are now under the latter but i
am unable to log in as administrator and get to them
directly. How do i get back to normal? Also, it now
appears that my wife's user has a second 'ghost' account
and her desktop has gone.
if my gibberish makes sense to anyone, please help.
Thanks in advance.

Jerold Schulman

I hope someone can help me. Recently, logged on as
administrator only to find my desktop had disappeared. I
checked under 'users' to see if it was still there only
to find that there was an additional 'admin' user
as 'admin home-rqhi9...' and 'admin home-rqhi...bak'.
All the saved admin files are now under the latter but i
am unable to log in as administrator and get to them
directly. How do i get back to normal? Also, it now
appears that my wife's user has a second 'ghost' account
and her desktop has gone.
if my gibberish makes sense to anyone, please help.
Thanks in advance.

Use the techique from tip 4631 in the 'Tips & Tricks' at

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

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