users quit from main app button but lose data



Form has a before update routine that cancels the update if required fields
are null. There is a close button and the form's close X is hidden. I wish
to continue allowing users to use the main app X at top RHS to close the app.

The problem is this:
When they do quit, if the form is dirty, the before update message about
required fields appears, but then the app closes and that last dirty record
with a required field null is lost. Is there any way to stop the app closing
until the user either completes the required field or cancels, without
disabling the main app X button?

I thought about warning users if they clicked that main app X, but how to
let the current form know if they have clicked it while the form is dirty and

Is there any other solution?



How about checking for Required and stopping the close if the values
there are null?


thanks Piet, yes the before update checks for null values and cancels the
update if nulls found. The update is canceled which stops any incomplete
records from being saved in the table, however the app still closes, the
record is not saved, and from a user's point of view, data that has been
entered has been lost.

How can I stop the app from closing and in the process closing the form by
canceling the update if required data is not entered? I don't wish to disable
that main app X at top RHS. I still want users to be able to quit from
clicking that main app X.

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