Users and USB memory sticks


Richard Smits


We have a problem. All our students do not belong to the administrator
group. They are normal users. Now when they insert a USB memory stick
the pc's displays : New hardware found, and they get a login prompt/

Also the message that you must be a member of the administrator group to
install this hardware.

I've tried to install the usb sticks as administrator, but every other
brand usb stick gives the message "New hardware found".

How can I set the policy that normal users can install usb devices. Is
it a computer policy, or a system file right ???

If anyone has a clue, please tell me.

Thanks in advance...

Richard Smits,
Technical University Delft

Jim Macklin

If you're using XP Pro you should be able to do what you
want with group policy editor or in user groups.
Right click My Computer and select Manage. Make a group
"students" assign student as power users.

This does present security risks.. You might be well
advised to install several name brand memory sticks and then
insist that students buy the "approved" brand/model.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

| Hello,
| We have a problem. All our students do not belong to the
| group. They are normal users. Now when they insert a USB
memory stick
| the pc's displays : New hardware found, and they get a
login prompt/
| Also the message that you must be a member of the
administrator group to
| install this hardware.
| I've tried to install the usb sticks as administrator, but
every other
| brand usb stick gives the message "New hardware found".
| How can I set the policy that normal users can install usb
devices. Is
| it a computer policy, or a system file right ???
| If anyone has a clue, please tell me.
| Thanks in advance...
| Richard Smits,
| Technical University Delft

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