UserID and Password Requests



FP2000 publishing to a Linux host. Requests UserID and
Password, but these do not work. If I go to the website
directly (using the host's admin capability), the same
UserID and Password work fine. Originally ID and Password
worked (auto password insertion) when I would try to open
the web site using http://... but then I stupidly cleaned
all cookies from the computer and now cannot get to the
site either through publish or open. Any one have any


What happens when you try to Open Web from FP (http://web not your local copy) and manually enter your UserID and Password?

| FP2000 publishing to a Linux host. Requests UserID and
| Password, but these do not work. If I go to the website
| directly (using the host's admin capability), the same
| UserID and Password work fine. Originally ID and Password
| worked (auto password insertion) when I would try to open
| the web site using http://... but then I stupidly cleaned
| all cookies from the computer and now cannot get to the
| site either through publish or open. Any one have any
| suggestions?

Steve Easton

Make sure the FrontPage extensions are installed on the server.

Also close FrontPage and find and delete all files named *.web and then open
FrontPage and try it.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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