Userform ?? using checkboxes



I have a userform that will have a list of e-mail address. Using checkboxes if the user clicks in it I want capture that e-mail and use it in another part of my script. The script that I am useing is changing the caption of the checkbox and I am using the message window for testing purposes to see what is happening. So if the box is checked it would capture that e-mail adress and use later in the script if it is unchecked that e-mail address does not get used. I am posting the script that I currently have. I think that I am close but I am missing something. Thank

Sub bOk_Click(
With Me.CheckBox
If Me.CheckBox1.Value = True The
Me.Controls("Checkbox1").Caption = "It's checked
MsgBox Me.Controls("Checkbox1").Captio
Me.CheckBox1.Value = Fals
Me.Controls("Checkbox1").Caption = "Unchecked
MsgBox Me.Controls("Checkbox1").Captio
End I
End Wit
End Su

Bob Phillips


Although your code is a little simpler as

With Me.CheckBox1
If Me.CheckBox1.Value = True Then
Me.CheckBox1.Caption = "It's checked"
MsgBox Me.CheckBox1.Caption
Me.CheckBox1.Value = False
Me.CheckBox1.Caption = "Unchecked"
MsgBox Me.CheckBox1.Caption
End If
End With

your code seems to work. What does it not do?



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Steve said:
I have a userform that will have a list of e-mail address. Using
checkboxes if the user clicks in it I want capture that e-mail and use it in
another part of my script. The script that I am useing is changing the
caption of the checkbox and I am using the message window for testing
purposes to see what is happening. So if the box is checked it would capture
that e-mail adress and use later in the script if it is unchecked that
e-mail address does not get used. I am posting the script that I currently
have. I think that I am close but I am missing something. Thanks


The code seems to work, but in the userform itself when I drag checkbox1 onto the form and run this it checges the name of checkbox1 to "It's checked" or "Unchecked" depending on what is going on. I don't want the checkbos label to change.

Bob Phillips

Then don't change it

With Me.CheckBox1
If Me.CheckBox1.Value = True Then
MsgBox Me.CheckBox1.Caption
Me.CheckBox1.Value = False
MsgBox Me.CheckBox1.Caption
End If
End With



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Steve said:
The code seems to work, but in the userform itself when I drag checkbox1
onto the form and run this it checges the name of checkbox1 to "It's
checked" or "Unchecked" depending on what is going on. I don't want the
checkbos label to change.

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