Userform from a Userform Problem



I have an excel workbook which when opened runs a userform. On this userform
are various commandbuttons which do various things.

One button (commandButton1), hides the current form then opens a userform
called setup, when that userform is closed using 'unload me' in the setup
userform code control passes back to the Command Button 1 click procedure,
the next line of which is to re-show the first userform. This works fine -
no problems.
The code which achieves this little bit is here:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

The second button does a similar thing but with a different userform. The
closure for this is the same as before (ie an unload me in the code of the
second form). Again this form worked just fine UNTIL ...
I added a control on the second userform (confusingly called userform1).
After adding this one control the userform closes just fine, but the original
form doesnt stay opened. Using debug, I have followed the code through and
it executes corrrectly, including showing the userform again ( But
when it executes the EndSub the form closes.

The code is (except for userform names) identical.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub

Why doesnt it work? What can I do about it?
Ive gone back to my original and done it all again in case I had stuffed
something up, but no success.

Its Excel 2003 sp1 running on a Windows 2000 SP 4 server.



Bob Phillips


I couldn't replicate this behaviour, Excel 2002.

What control did you add, and is there anything else that might be relevant.

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