Usercontrol not rendered in table



I am programmatically populating a table control with my usercontrol
(PictureBox.ascx) which is basically an assortment of an imagebutton, Label
and a Linkbutton. Now while debugging the application i can see that the
control is being initialized properly (by setting the imgurl and text values
from the db), but for some reason the usercontrol does not show up in the

Here is the code for the Page: (test.aspx)

//I am calling the ArrangePictures() function on the click event of a button
which basically starts to load a list of usercontrols

private void ArrangePictures()
ArrayList Pics = LoadPictures();
TableRow r = new TableRow();
TableCell c;
foreach (object P in Pics)
c = new TableCell();
//this is where i am adding the control
//it does not throw any errors but instead
//spits out an empty cell
if (r.Cells.Count == 3)
r = new TableRow();
}//if - Pics

if (r.Cells.Count == 2)
c = new TableCell();
c.ColumnSpan = 2;
c = new TableCell();
c.ColumnSpan = 2;

}//Arrange picture
private ArrayList LoadPictures()
OleDbDataReader rdrImages = getPictureData();
ArrayList Pictures = new ArrayList();
PictureBox Picture;
if (rdrImages.Read())
{//Skip first file - will be used in header
while (rdrImages.Read())
Picture = new PictureBox();
Picture.Picture.ImageUrl = Convert.ToString(rdrImages.GetValue(2));
Picture.Picture.AlternateText = Convert.ToString(rdrImages.GetValue(1));
Picture.TextCaption.Text = Convert.ToString(rdrImages.GetValue(1));

if ((Pictures.Count < 9) && (Session["UserId"] == Session["ID"]))
{//add upload picture control if user is logged into their account
Picture = new PictureBox();
Picture.TextCaption.Text = "Add a new picture.";
Picture.Picture.ImageUrl = Request.ApplicationPath + "/images/add.jpg";
Picture.Picture.AlternateText = "Add a new picture.";
return Pictures;


Code for the user Control (PictureBox.ascx):
private ImageButton _Picture;
private Label _Caption;

public ImageButton Picture
_Picture.Height = Unit.Pixel(80);
_Picture.Width = Unit.Pixel(80);
return _Picture;
set { _Picture = value; }

public Label TextCaption
get { return _Caption; }
set { _Caption = value; }
public PictureBox()
this.TextCaption = new Label();
this.Picture = new ImageButton();

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Put user code to initialize the page here
lblCaption = this.TextCaption;
ibtnPicture = this.Picture;

Also, how would i be able to add onclick events for these dynamically loaded
controls. (ex. for ImageButton)

Nicole Schenk

Anon said:
My guess is that you are ignoring the various stages of the life cycle of
controls. There is a time to build the controls, there is a time to
prerender controls, there is a time to render the controls.
As to the events, try catching the events by bubbling the events from the
image button.
I hope this helps

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