User Names missing from Welcome screen



Installed XP SP2 and began having shutdown issues. Finally, was unable to
boot to the Welcome screen. Did a repair using the XP CD and Windows now
boots to the Welcome screen but no User names are present. Safe mode
produces the same result. Can't get into Recovery panel because of the need
for an admin password. I believe the User name/info may be corrupted. Is
there a way to repair it? If not, is there a way to retrieve files from the
hard drive?


I'm having the same problem with my laptop. Happened twice now. I neve
established a administrator account and the users do not show up an
more. Re-installed xp last night but this did not fix the problem. Ha
to use the recovery disks again, format the drive and reinstall al
software. I did not install SP2 this time, suspect it is the cause o
my troubles.

Hope someone here has a sollution.



Mark L. Ferguson

This error is almost always caused by spyware/virus infection. Uninstall
sp2, and run a Repair setup, then get some antivirus/spyware protection.


Thanks for your response Mark. Both my laptop and desktop computer hav
currently updated Norton Antivirus on them. After the first occurence
used the recovery disks that came with the machine which reformated th
hard drive. Shouldn't this have taken care of the virus if there wa
Sory about hijacking this tread, but it seems like we have the sam



I need help my user name is also missing from the welcome screen, and the
admin account I set up will not allow me to log on either in safe mode or
using the rec console
what can I do ?

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