User login in windows forms


Ricardo Luceac

Hi all...

I'm been working with and I use the membership and roles
providers that are built in controls..

Now I need do do an windows application, I've not found these controls
in c#...

Is there any controls or I have do do it myself??? And how to secure
things like menu itens based on the roles the user is in???



WinForms is a whole different beast than Webforms. Security on the client
PC is usually implied by the security token of the logged in user (NTLM,
system.sercurity namespace). So no, there are no out of the box solutions
for security controls in Visual Studio for WinForms applications.

In the event when you require to use credentials that are not managed by
their local machine or network, the mechanism for validating those
credentials is much different.

Some things in ASP.Net made life easy for the developer, while back in
WinForms those components are thought of as mere facades to the
functionality you seek. Think of what is occuring when you use role based
security and all the moving and governing components. Then write your own
framework and facades to match it.

I don't have good answers for you, and I apologize.


In a windows forms application, the "credentials" are the indentity of the
person who signed into that particular computer that the application is
installed on.
If you need to do some sort of special "roles / authorization" with your
app, it would probably have to make a call to a remote webservice to "log in"
and you could then control it that way. But, you'll need to "roll your own".
-- Peter
Recursion: see Recursion

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