User form to comments



I have one that's way out of my league:

I would like to first make a user form that activates when shortcut (ctrl+x)
is used on a cell. This would then allow the user to fill in the data for
name, CC#, Exp date, the date the data was entered, phone #, TOA (time and
date), # of days.

So here's the hitch, I need the userform to then enter the data into
comments for the cell that the shortcut key was used on. So in the end the
cell has the info of the userform in comments and the user can view the data
by resting the mouse over the comments red indicator.

Is this possible??

Thanks to all in advance for any help in the matter!

Tom Ogilvy

Here is information on userforms:

See this tutorial here

XL97: How to Use a UserForm for Entering Data (Q161514)

XL2000: How to Use a UserForm for Entering Data (Q213749)

Here are some other sources of information:
Lesson 11: Creating a Custom Form
Excerpted from Microsoft® Excel 97 Visual Basic® Step by Step.
File Title: Microsoft(R) Visual Basic(R) for Applications Examples for
Controlling UserForms in Microsoft Excel 97
File Name: WE1163.EXE
File Size: 161742 bytes
File Date: 05/08/97
Keywords: kbfile
Description: This Application Note is an introduction to manipulating
UserForms in Microsoft Excel 97. It includes examples and Microsoft Visual
Basic for Applications macros that show you how to take advantage of the
capabilities of UserForms and use each of the ActiveX controls that are
available for UserForms

Peter Aiken Articles:
Part I
Part II

you can assign a shortcut key by running a macro that executes the OnKey
command. See Excel VBA help.

You can see how to update/create a comment by turning on the macro recorder
and creating the comment manually one time. Then turn off the macro recorder
and look at the code. .

ActiveCell can be used to determine what cell was selected when you did

Gary Keramidas

test this in a blank worksheet with a userforn that has 4 textboxes and 1
commandbutton: you can assign a macro that uses control -x to show the form

Option Explicit

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim cmt As String, i As Long
For i = 1 To 4
cmt = Me.Controls("textbox" & i).Value & " " & cmt

ActiveCell.AddComment cmt
End Sub

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