User Form for Survey



I need to create a form to run a survey on 50 users. I have 6 categories, and
each category will have between 6 to 8 statements. Each category will be in a
form with 6-8 option buttons for the user to select only one options then
move to the next form/catrgory, and so forth. I need to include a cobobox
from which the user can select their name, I also would like some kind of
mechanism to store user results and tally them in one area.
I know how to work that in Access pretty well (multi-page form or
Switchboard from which a user can navigate to individual forms back and
forth, select their names from the dropdown list and have the results stored
in a table. But most of my users don't have Access, so I have to do it in
Excel, and i'm not sure how to work that in Excel (2002). Any help is greatly
appreciated. Or if someone suggesting a competely different rout, i'm open to
any idea as well.



my sugestion is what I've done for my job that use 2 user only:
save project or workbook contain macro in a network folder which each user
has permission to acces into it. Then set automatically open when they open

That will use only one same project to run some queries.


Thanks Halim. But I'm not sure if that answer my question. How can I develop
a user form with only 6 questions, and each question has 6-8 possible answers
in addition to a combobox that populate a user name, then when the user
finish answering all questions, I need all the answers along with the user
name to be saved somewhere, so I can tally the answers together.



Thanks for the suggestions, but I think what i'm looking for is really
simple, I just needs some directions on it.

How can I develop a user form with only 6 questions, and each question has
6-8 possible answers in addition to a combobox that populate a user name,
then when the user finishes answering all questions, I need all the answers
along with the user name to be saved somewhere, so I can tally the answers


Mike Middleton

sahafi -

It seems we have a difference of opinion. I do not regard writing VBA code
for your task to be "really simple." Instead, I think that using an
"off-the-shelf" application like SurveyMonkey is "really simple."

But, if you really want to do it yourself, please describe what you have
done so far and what problems you're having. There are lots of experts in
this newsgroup who can assist you.

- Mike


What I wrote is what I need help with. I'm very familiar with executing the
task in MS Access, but i'm not that familiar with Excel user forms. How can I
save the user input when selecting an option button to another sheet in the
workbook? How can I link the the combobox to the 'last name' list? and how do
I accomplish: when the user select his/her last name there should be 2 text
boxes that automatically populate the user first name and user department.
What's the best way to tally the answers together? this is more of a voting
task (50 users will select one option among several options in 6 questions).
I have already done that in MS Access and it's working fine, but most of my
users do not have Access software that's why i'm reverting to Excel. If
someone know of a way to have MS Access program portable that any user can
access the form, vote, and save the work, then that will be ideal.


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