User Defined type as Sub parameter?



I would have thought this would be OK:

Dim NewOrder As udtNewOrder
'In the public area. udtNewOrder is a User Defined Type

With NewOrder
RecalculateRawMaterial (NewOrder)
End With

Sub RecalculateRawMaterial(udtNO As udtNewOrder)


End Sub

But I get: "Type Mismatch"

I seemed to recall there was something funny about udt's as parameters, but
damned if I can recall...
Thank You,


I would have thought this would be OK:

Dim NewOrder As udtNewOrder
'In the public area. udtNewOrder is a User Defined Type

With NewOrder
RecalculateRawMaterial (NewOrder)

C-A-L-L RecalculateRawMaterial (NewOrder)
As my daughter would say, "Duhuh!"

Dave Peterson

If you do:

With NewOrder
RecalculateRawMaterial NewOrder
End With

With NewOrder
Call RecalculateRawMaterial(NewOrder)
End With

does it work ok?

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