User defined menus and functions!



Hello all!

I was trying to create a menu and attach some stuff to it.
For eg, create a menu called 'Basic', with the default Excel GUI, nex
to the 'Help' menu.
I right clicked the toolbar and using the 'customize' button, I coul
implement the above task.
I could also attach toolbars to the created menu & assign macros t

But let's say I want to have couple of extra things within the 'Basic
menu so that it looks something like the following.

Basic Menu

'Analysis type' ......................Static/Modal
'Results location'....................Node/Element
'Type' ...................................Stress/strain

It has to be like a pull-down menu, where the user clicks the Basi
menu and the three sub-menus pop up. On clicking the 'Analysis Type
which comes within the 'Basic Menu', the user must be able to pick on
of the two options . One is 'Static' and other is 'Modal

I would appreciate your help.
Thanks a bunch.

Vtec Cor


I've never done this, but gave it a whirl. I think you can do what yo
want and I'll try to give you the steps I followed:

- From Right-Click on meny, select Customize and choose Commands tab.
- Select new menu from the categories list
- Drag the new menu item from the commands list to the menubar
- Drag three more new menu items from the command list
- Drag your macros (static/modal, etc.) and put them under the correc
new menu items.

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