User Defined FUNCTION



I need a User Defined Function that check if a number or string is 8 digits
long and ends in "0000". If it meets the two creteria, then it should drop
those the "0000" and return only the remaining 4 numbers for example,

23000016 result 23000016
23160000 result 2316
19000000 result 1900

FYI using Substitute() gives me the wrong result sometimes.

FUNCTION Truc(location)

END Function

Jim Thomlinson

As opposed to a udf how about this...

=IF(RIGHT(A1, 4) = "0000", A1/10000, A1)

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Give this UDF a try (assuming you wanted it named Truc as posted)...

Function Truc(S As String) As String
If S Like "????0000" Then
Truc= Left(S, 4)
Truc= S
End If
End Function


Peo Sjoblom

Why would you even use SUBSTITUTE?




Peo Sjoblom

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

The OP mentioned he wanted this only if the number is 8 digits long as well.
True, his examples all show 8-digit numbers, but I made the same kind of
assumption in another thread yesterday and my assumption turned out to be
wrong. So, just in case...



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