User Controls




If I just say have a user control which contains a datalist that
displays information about different companies. The datalist contains
an image for the company logo and some text describing the company.
Now this is fine if each company template is the same BUT what if I
want each company to be able to have there own template e.g. one
having one logo and another have three.

Now I could do this by creating one user control for each company but
what if I want to display all the companies on a page - how would I do

Would I have to store the user control name (company1.ascx) in the
database and dynamically load this onto a panel??

Since I am currently using a single control with a datalist I just
load this into a PlaceHolder but I obviously couldn't do this as I'm
not sure how many controls I will be loading!

(Thought: Could I keep what I now have and somehow load a different
stylesheet for company?)

If anyone has any suggestion I would be most grateful.



Hi Jack
make only i userControls
and store in the DB the state of this company if it need one or more logo
than in ur userControls get the state from DB and add control
and in ur main page load this usercontrol

Jack Burton

but how would I know where to place the images/text if every template is

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