user controls: design-time vs. programmatic behavior




ive got a usercontrol that has some textboxes, a button, and a handler
routine for its button_click. when this usercontrol is dropped into a
page via the designer, it functions as expected -- when the button is
clicked its event handler loads up the routine and i do db stuff.

however, i am now adding the control to the page programmatically (on a
page's button click), via:

Controls.PackageInfo info =
info.ID = "ucPackageInfo";

....and it shows up. but ive discovered that the control's button's
event handler no longer works -- setting a breakpoint on it shows that
its never called. the hanlder is mapped to it via:

private void InitializeComponent()
this.btnSubmit.Click += new

....which the debugger hits.

any ideas why it no longer handles itself??



ok, found the problem. i was only adding the control on the page's
button click event... so when the control's button was clicked, it was
firstly re-loading the page -- sans user control; thus no control event
hanlder could follow.

the solution was to load the user control in the page_load, all the
time (but invisible). on the page's button click event, make it
visible. then when the control's button is clicked, it will fire its
events/handlers (since it now exists!).


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