user control caching



I have a navigation user control built using a sqlsitemap in our site's
master page. After a user logs in the control doesn't refresh the data
in the leftside navigation links. I found I can force it to refresh if
I simply resave one of the files in my project. These links then cache
after I logout until I resave a project file again.

How can I force the user control to refresh the data when a user logs
in and logs out?

Happy Friday,


I still haven't resolved this issue but I've narrowed it down to one
area of code. I turned on tracing and found that when my menu control
class gets to the HierarchicalDataSourceView view = base.GetData("");
line of the following code

protected override void PerformDataBinding()
SiteMapDataSource dataSource = null;
HierarchicalDataSourceView view = base.GetData("");

"HierarchicalDataSourceView view");
// if there's no data source don't bind
if (!base.IsBoundUsingDataSourceID && (this.DataSource ==

it calls the Initialize() method of my SqlSiteMapProvider and the
navigation menu is updated. After this occurs it will not call my
SqlSiteMapProvider again unless I resave a file in my project.

Why is it only calling it once? I like this caching effect only when
the user is logged in. How can I control when this SiteSiteMapProvider
is called?

Happy Friday,


In case anyone is interested in how I solved this... I found that
after the SiteMapProvider was called the first time it was filled with
nodes and would keep returning when it got to the following statement.

if (_root != null)
return _root;

I now control how often the database is called by creating a session
variable LoadLinks which I toggle yes/no.

public override SiteMapNode BuildSiteMap()

if (HttpContext.Current.Session["LoadLinks"] == "Y")
HttpContext.Current.Session["LoadLinks"] = "N";
_root = null;

lock (_lock)
// Return immediately if this method has been called before
if (_root != null)
return _root;

Happy Thursday,

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