User Attributes



I want to add some fields to the users in the AD, is this possible? There's
some information that we want to store there, and we would like to add a tab
at the Properties of a user in the Users and Computers screen.

Window 2000 Server.

Thanks for your help...

Joe Richards [MVP]

You can add attributes to a user object with a schema mod, yes this is possible.
Sounds like you need to do a lot of reading first about it because it isn't
trivial, check out the book in my signature.

As for adding properties to ADUC, that is a whole other beast and requires
decent programming skills which are usually far above the capabilities of a
majority of admins. You can get details on extending ADUC in MSDN. If you don't
know what MSDN is already , you most likely will not be able to pull it off.

Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Author of O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition

---O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition now available---

Ken Aldrich


You can expand your schema and add attributes for your user class objects.
OR, you may be able to find existing attributes for your users that you are
not using. You can use them as a substitute. I think people tend to use
the extention attributes that are created when you add Exchange to your
domain for this purpose.

As for creating a nice interface to access your users and view those new
attributes, you may want to consider using a customizable tool like DSRAZOR
for Windows. It will be considerably easier than figuring out how to
reprogram ADUC. If you would like a personalized one-on-one web
presentation of how DSRAZOR can help you then either contact us through my
signature or browse to

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