User Accts



On my Windows Xp Log on screen, I have 2 user accts set up and when you go to
Log in, for the 2nd name I have created it shows how many outstanding emails
from the users AOL account there are, but I cant seem to get it to show for
the first user, does anyone know how I can set it up to do this?


Bert Kinney

Hi Jenn,

If you have Tweakui installed open it (Tweakui can be found in the
start menu) then go to Logon - Unread Mail and check "Apply setting to
all users".


I looked for that program in my start menu and I couldnt find it, is there
anything else I can do that you know of?


Bert Kinney said:
Hi Jenn,

If you have Tweakui installed open it (Tweakui can be found in the
start menu) then go to Logon - Unread Mail and check "Apply setting to
all users".

Bert Kinney [MS-MVP DTS]

On my Windows Xp Log on screen, I have 2 user accts set
up and when you go to Log in, for the 2nd name I have
created it shows how many outstanding emails from the
users AOL account there are, but I cant seem to get it to
show for the first user, does anyone know how I can set
it up to do this?


Bert Kinney

Did you look for "Powertoys for Windows XP" in all programs?

If it is not there it can be downloaded and installed for free. Select
the correct version.

Once installed go to Logon - Unread Mail and "Apply settings to all
users" and if necessary, move down to Repair and select "Repair unread
mail count".

Microsoft PowerToys - Tweakui for WinXP: Ver. 2.10 requires WinXP SP1
and later

With NO Service Packs installed, the earlier version can be found

I looked for that program in my start menu and I couldnt
find it, is there anything else I can do that you know of?


Bert Kinney said:
Hi Jenn,

If you have Tweakui installed open it (Tweakui can be
found in the start menu) then go to Logon - Unread Mail
and check "Apply setting to all users".

Bert Kinney [MS-MVP DTS]

On my Windows Xp Log on screen, I have 2 user accts set
up and when you go to Log in, for the 2nd name I have
created it shows how many outstanding emails from the
users AOL account there are, but I cant seem to get it
to show for the first user, does anyone know how I can
set it up to do this?



i installed that program and i did everything you guys have told me to do and
still nothing!!!! its weird because its working on other users, just not
mine, can anyone think of anything else I can try?!?!?! i've been messing
with it for days! Thanks for everyones help so far ;)

Bert Kinney said:
Did you look for "Powertoys for Windows XP" in all programs?

If it is not there it can be downloaded and installed for free. Select
the correct version.

Once installed go to Logon - Unread Mail and "Apply settings to all
users" and if necessary, move down to Repair and select "Repair unread
mail count".

Microsoft PowerToys - Tweakui for WinXP: Ver. 2.10 requires WinXP SP1
and later

With NO Service Packs installed, the earlier version can be found

I looked for that program in my start menu and I couldnt
find it, is there anything else I can do that you know of?


Bert Kinney said:
Hi Jenn,

If you have Tweakui installed open it (Tweakui can be
found in the start menu) then go to Logon - Unread Mail
and check "Apply setting to all users".

Bert Kinney [MS-MVP DTS]

Jenn wrote:
On my Windows Xp Log on screen, I have 2 user accts set
up and when you go to Log in, for the 2nd name I have
created it shows how many outstanding emails from the
users AOL account there are, but I cant seem to get it
to show for the first user, does anyone know how I can
set it up to do this?


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Jenn said:
i installed that program and i did everything you guys have told me
to do and still nothing!!!! its weird because its working on other
users, just not mine, can anyone think of anything else I can
try?!?!?! i've been messing with it for days! Thanks for everyones
help so far ;)

In TweakUI did you go to Logon | Unread Mail and uncheck Show unread mail...
at the top and also select Apply setting to all users?
If so and it didn't work are you logged on to an account with admenestrator

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC


Yes, i did all of that and I do have administrator privliges, my user acct is
the main acct, i dont understand it because even before I installed TweakUI
the other user accounts on my computer showed the amount of unread mail...Im
not sure, is there somewhere i have to register which email address is mine
or something? i feel like i've tried everything!


so you know anyone I can contact or send an email to? I looked for an email
address on the microsoft webpage but couldnt find anything?

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