UsedRange higher than expected




I have a sheet where I only have cells populated to row 150 and column 12
(L) but:

maxrow = Worksheets(sheetname).UsedRange.Rows.Count
maxcol = Worksheets(sheetname).UsedRange.Columns.Count

reports 5006 and 19 respectively. I have even tried using .Clear,
..Borders.LineStyle = xlNone and .Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone for
rows 151 onwards, but UsedRange still reports the same figures.

Can anyone tell me why, and how I can clear rows 151 onwards? The file is
bigger than I'd expect so I can believe there is something in these rows but
I cannot see what it is or how to get rid of it.

Thanks in advance, Chris



Many thanks. EntireRow.Delete and EntireColumn.Delete for the erroneous rows
and columns did the trick.


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