Use value in a field as input to a query



What I want to do is have a macro that is called by a button or link in a
field on a table. this will be a generic macro that will get the value in
the "record id" field of the record the button pressed is in, and feed that
value into a query.

the end result is a user looking at search results can press a button for
the record they want to view all details on. A bit like when you use the
catalog at a library (although this is for an image-base)

[MVP] S.Clark

The Docmd.OpenForm macro action accepts a parameter called 'Where'. This is
a where clause, like in a query.

So, if you give it something like "RecordID=" & forms!formname!ctrlname it
will open your form, and filter the recordID by the value on the calling


Yesterday I Picked up a old Microsoft Press book titled Running Access for
windows 95. While it is technicly out of date the concepts are still valid.
It appears that I should be viewing the search results in a continuious form
rather than a report. The book does discusses how to do the sort of thing
that I want to do.

Havn't had a chance to re-do it yet due to clearing a few graphics projects
off my desk.

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