use the current row in a list to populate a report


David Murto

I'm trying to create a workbook that uses a list to record each report. A
separate worksheet (called report) would serve as the report template.
Each variable cell on the report would refer to a given column on the list
worksheet. The trick is to select the current row of the list in order to
make the reference. The reference I'm trying to accomplish would be
something like:
[report!c4] = [list!E(current row#)]

All the references for a given report would come from a single row of the
list, I have no experience with VBA, but I have been trying to figure out
how to use those functions to get that reference, unsuccessfully so far.
Perhaps a routine to get the current row of list and turn it into a
variable to be plugged into the reference (current row#) above?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Ardus Petus

Worksheets("report").Range("C4").Value = Cells(Activecell.Row,"E")


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