Use macro's or VBA to write table relationships after import table

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Hi there

Is there a way to "automate" the writing of realtionships between imported

I have a situation where I need to re-import tables through an ODBC
connection into access a few times a day, and I need the relationships to be

Currently, any macro wirtten to delete and then re-import the tables,
requires all relationships to be deleted first.

Is there a way to 1) delete the existing relatiohsips 2) delete the exiting
tables 3) re-import the updated tables 4) re-create the relationships ??

Thanks in advance for any advice you may be able to offer.

Instead of deleting and re-importing the tables, use delete queries to
delete the *records* they contain. Then import the updated data into the
existing tables. Assuming that the relationships enforce relational
integrity, you'll need to be careful about the order in which you run
the queries and import the data.

But would it not be simpler to use linked tables to access the ODBC
datasource? That way, you'd always have the latest data and there'd be
no need to delete and re-import stuff.
Here's a snippet of code I just wrote that will go to another identical access mdb and pull in the data to replace the current mdb's data. It also will drop and rewrite the table relations. Thought it might be useful to those who had as many problems finding help no this as I did.

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim fieldName As Variant
    DoCmd.RunSQL "CREATE TABLE MyTables([TableName] VARCHAR(50))"
    DoCmd.RunSQL "CREATE TABLE MyRelations([RelationName] VARCHAR(50), [Attributes] VARCHAR(50), [TableName] VARCHAR(50), [ForeignName] VARCHAR(50))"
    DoCmd.RunSQL "CREATE TABLE MyRelationFields([RelationName] VARCHAR(50), [Field] VARCHAR(50), [Foreign] VARCHAR(50))"
    DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO MyTables(TableName) SELECT name from MSysObjects where type = 1 and flags = 0 and name not in('MyTables','MyRelations','MyRelationFields')"
    For Each rel In CurrentDb.Relations
      DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO MyRelations(RelationName, Attributes, TableName, ForeignName) VALUES('" & rel.Name & "','" & rel.Attributes & "','" & rel.Table & "','" & rel.ForeignTable & "')"
        For Each fld In rel.Fields
            DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO MyRelationFields(RelationName, Field, Foreign) VALUES('" & rel.Name & "','" & fld.Name & "','" & fld.ForeignName & "')"
    While CurrentDb.Relations.Count > 0
        With CurrentDb
            For Each rel In .Relations
                .Relations.Delete rel.Name
        End With

    Set db = CurrentDb()
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select TableName from MyTables")

    While Not rs.EOF
        DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * from [" & rs.Fields("TableName") & "]"
        DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", Me.ImportPath, acTable, rs.Fields("TableName"), "TempTable"
        DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO [" & rs.Fields("TableName") & "] SELECT * from TempTable"
        DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE TempTable"


    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select * from MyRelations")

    With CurrentDb
        While Not rs.EOF
            Set rel = .CreateRelation(rs.Fields("RelationName"), rs.Fields("TableName"), rs.Fields("ForeignName"), rs.Fields("Attributes"))
                If DCount("Field", "MyRelationFields", "RelationName = '" & rs.Fields("RelationName") & "'") < 2 Then
                    fieldName = DLookup("Field", "MyRelationFields", "RelationName = '" & rs.Fields("RelationName") & "'")
                    rel.Fields.Append rel.CreateField(fieldName)
                    rel.Fields(fieldName).ForeignName = fieldName
                    Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("select Field from MyRelationFields where RelationName = '" & rs.Fields("RelationName") & "'")
                        While Not rs2.EOF
                            rel.Fields.Append rel.CreateField(rs2.Fields("Field"))
                            rel.Fields(rs2.Fields("Field")).ForeignName = rs2.Fields("Foreign")
                End If
                .Relations.Append rel
    End With
    DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE MyRelationFields"
    DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE MyRelations"
    DoCmd.RunSQL "DROP TABLE MyTables"
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