Use function in xll in conditional formatting




Is there any way to directly use a function in an xll in the formula for
conditional formatting? If I try to enter the formula I get an error
message: "You may not use references to other worksheets or workbooks for
Conditional Formatting criteria.". The only way I could get it to work was
to use a vba function that calls into the xll.


Tom Ogilvy

For a range on another sheet, you can create a defined name that refers to
that range, then use the defined name in conditional formatting. You might
try the same thing with the xll function.


I'm not sure what you mean. Let's say I have a function xllIsValid in an xll
which is available to the workbook either through the addin manager or
registered in Workbook_Open.
I enter the following formula in conditional formatting:
=NOT(xllIsValid(E13:E18)) // make font red
Then I get the mentioned error.

If I enter:
=NOT(vbaIsValid(E13:E18)) // make font red
everything works.

vbaIsValid is defined in a Module of the current workbook
Function vbaIsValid(rng as Range) as Variant
vbaIsValid = Application.Run ("xllIsValid", rng)
End Function

So I don't think the range is the problem because it is from the current

Tom Ogilvy

I didn't say the range was a problem. You get the same error if you use a
range from another worksheet - so if that approach solves that error, it
might solve your error.

insert => Name => Define
Name: IsValid
Refersto: =NOT(xllIsValid(Sheet1!$E$13:$E$18))

then in conditional formatting
Formula is:



Thanks a lot, that works great.
Fortunately I don't have to use the complete formula in "Refers to:". It is
enough to use =xllIsValid and then substitute the original name by the
defined named in the formatting formula.
I had already tried something like this after your first reply but forgot
the '=' sign.

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