Use C# to operate a mobile device


Maya Young

Hello Everyone,

I'm trying to create a C# application to open a serial port connected to a
mobile device and control the mobile through the application where the user
can dial the number, send and receive voice data all by using the
application, Can any one give me more info or are there any resources on the
Internet that have more details on how to create that application or point
to which classes and objects .NET has that can be used to do so?

Thank you.


William Ryan eMVP


That's a pretty tall order there. You can build a lot of the functionality
to execute locally on the device but there's a lot of low level API's that
need to be used. Fortunately, 's SDF can do most
(probably all) of this for you. is another great resource
if you check out the Compact Framework Discussions. So the only challenge
now is taking control of it from the desktop. RAPI can do a lot for you but the
devil is in the details. Anyway, once you have the stuff built on the
device you could either listen to a socket with it, or poll a webserice for
instance and decide what commands to fire from there. HoodCanalSystems has a Product called .NET Preceptor that allows you
do do a tremendous amount of stuff on your from a remote console and it's
extremely well priced. I don't think Rob's current implementation does
Voice but you may want to contact him b/c he could probably guide you on it
or put it into his tool.

Anyway, first head over to OpennetCf and check out the Multimedia library.
The serial communication library and phone libraries will get you pretty
far. Then it's just a matter of getting the instructions to the device and
you can a socket/web service etc to get that info to the device.



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