use C# code in project



I found some C# code on the web that I want to use in my project.
How can I do this without translating the C# to

It's pretty nasty looking or I'd translate it myself
stuff like
#region COM Interop for IShellFolder
//helpstring("IShellFolder interface")
private interface IShellFolder
void ParseDisplayName(
IntPtr hwndOwner,
IntPtr pbcReserved,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpszDisplayName,
out int pchEaten,
out IntPtr ppidl,
out int pdwAttributes);

void EnumObjects(
IntPtr hwndOwner,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] ESHCONTF grfFlags,
ref IEnumIDList ppenumIDList

void BindToObject(
IntPtr pidl,
IntPtr pbcReserved,
ref Guid riid,
ref IShellFolder ppvOut);


mike w

Chris, Master of All Things Insignificant

You would have to put it into its own project and compile it as its own dll.
Then reference it from your VB project.


Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

mike w. said:
I found some C# code on the web that I want to use in my project.
How can I do this without translating the C# to

Add a C# project of type "Class Library" to your solution, then insert the
code into the C# project and add a reference to the C# project in your
VB.NET project. It's not possible to mix different programming languages in
a single project.

Cor Ligthert

And don't than forget in the added C# Project to set the general properties
"output type" to Class Library and do a build for that before you set the
reference in your VB project.

I hope this helps?


ps. Herfried I had this from an other message half an hour ago.

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