Use ADO to copy a graphic to Access from XL



I am using Office 2003 on Win XP.

I normally use ADO to transfer data from Excel to Access. Does anyone know
if you can use ADO to transfer a graphical object laying on a spreadsheet to

In this case, the object is a chart copied from the internet. If it can't be
done using ADO, how can it be done programmatically?

Can you please post example code? Thanks much in advance.


Hello Quartz

I hope this help you

Option Explicit
Public Const BLOCK_SIZE = 10000
Public Cn As New ADODB.Connection

Sub exportGraphic()
'adapted from source :
Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim Pict As Picture
Dim FichierTemp As String
Dim Nb As Byte

FichierTemp = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\PictTemp.jpg"

On Error GoTo ShowError:

Set Pict = ActiveSheet.Pictures(1) 'graphical object : first picture in
Pict.CopyPicture ' copy
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, Pict.Width, Pict.Height).Chart
' create temporary chart
..Paste 'paste in the chart
..Export FichierTemp, "JPG" ' save temporary jpg file on disk
End With

Nb = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(Nb).Delete 'delete temporary chart

'export jpg temporary file in a Access database named "Images"
'for this example you need 3 fields in the dataBase :
'PicId ( numeric data )
'FieldName ( binay data )
'PicSize (numeric data)
Cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" _
& "C:\Images.mdb"

Rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Rs.Open "Select * From Pictures", Cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

With Rs
!PicId = .RecordCount
exportImage FichierTemp, Rs, "Pic", "PicSize"
End With

MsgBox "Image Saved"

Kill FichierTemp 'delete temporary jpg file
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

Public Sub exportImage(filename As String, rstMain As Recordset, _
FieldName As String, SizeField As String)

Dim file_num As String
Dim file_length As Long
Dim bytes() As Byte
Dim num_blocks As Long, left_over As Long, block_num As Long

On Error GoTo Handler

file_num = FreeFile

Open filename For Binary Access Read As #file_num
file_length = LOF(file_num)
If file_length > 0 Then
num_blocks = file_length / BLOCK_SIZE
left_over = file_length Mod BLOCK_SIZE

rstMain(SizeField) = file_length

ReDim bytes(BLOCK_SIZE)

For block_num = 1 To num_blocks
Get #file_num, , bytes()
rstMain(FieldName).AppendChunk bytes()
Next block_num

If left_over > 0 Then
ReDim bytes(left_over)
Get #file_num, , bytes()
rstMain(FieldName).AppendChunk bytes()
End If
Close #file_num
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

Regards ,


Hello Quartz

sorry ,

I wanted to write :

'for this example you need 3 fields in the dataBase , named :
'PicId ( numeric data )
'Pic ( binay data )
'PicSize (numeric data)


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