Use a range name in VB with IF Then Else statement



Thanks for looking at this one.....

when writing a macro in visual basic, how would you write code to do
something like this:

IF "Named Range 1" is not equal to "Named Range 2" THEN (do a simple
cut/copy/paste which I've allready figured out) ELSE END IF

I can do this with range as cell address ("A2") but don,t know how to
reference the Named Range.



Dave Peterson

I like something like:

if worksheets("sheet1").range("NamedRange1").value _
= worksheets("sheet2").range("NamedRange2").value then
'do nothing
worksheets("sheet1").range("namedrange1").value _
= worksheets("sheet2").range("namedrange2").value
end if

This actually just assigns the value from namedrange2 to namedrange1.

But I think I'd just set the values equal and get rid of the check, well, if the
situation fit.

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