Use a Parent function's OpenRecordset() current record in Sub

  • Thread starter Nicholas Scarpinato
  • Start date

Nicholas Scarpinato

I have a function that checks a record's Status field and, based on the
status, calls a status-specific Sub. My problem is I don't know how to make
the Sub see the current record in the recordset opened by the Function. I
could write all the code inline in the function, but it would get rather
cumbersome. I won't list the entire code due to it's length, but the gist of
it is this:

Function RejectedItemOptionSelect()
.... DIM's, etc ...
Set db = CurrentDB()
sql = "SELECT * FROM [Main Returns Table]"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordSet(sql)
With rs
Do Until .EOF
If .Fields("Status") = "Resubmit to correct vendor" Then Call BinLocationReset
If .Fields("Status") = .... etc ...

When I call BinLocationReset, I want to work with the current open record in
recordset "rs". But attempting to use rs.Edit in my Sub gives me an Object
Required error, and if I use .Edit, I get an Invalid or Unqualified Reference

Do I need to Global "rs"?


You need to pass a parameter to CallBinLocationReset so it will know which
record to work with. Is there an ID field in the MainReturnsTable that you
can pass to the routine?


Marshall Barton

Nicholas said:
I have a function that checks a record's Status field and, based on the
status, calls a status-specific Sub. My problem is I don't know how to make
the Sub see the current record in the recordset opened by the Function. I
could write all the code inline in the function, but it would get rather
cumbersome. I won't list the entire code due to it's length, but the gist of
it is this:

Function RejectedItemOptionSelect()
... DIM's, etc ...
Set db = CurrentDB()
sql = "SELECT * FROM [Main Returns Table]"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordSet(sql)
With rs
Do Until .EOF
If .Fields("Status") = "Resubmit to correct vendor" Then Call BinLocationReset
If .Fields("Status") = .... etc ...

When I call BinLocationReset, I want to work with the current open record in
recordset "rs". But attempting to use rs.Edit in my Sub gives me an Object
Required error, and if I use .Edit, I get an Invalid or Unqualified Reference

Do I need to Global "rs"?

I suggest that you modify the BinLocationReset procedure so
it accepts a recordset object as an argument. This way the
procedure can use rs.Edit

Public Sub BinLocationReset(rs As Dao.Recordset)
End Sub

Then call the procedure using:
Call BinLocationReset(rs)

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