USB printer status, PJLMON and UI application.



Hi Friends,
Recently I have been assaigned the task to write a program to
check the status of a 3rd party USB printer before issuing a print
job. The application should find all the statuses like printer
ofline, out of paper, paper jam etc.,. The vendor is not installing
Language Monitor dll during installation.

When I did some research I found that we have to use PJL language and
a Language monitor. I also found that the printer we are targeting
supports PJL and Microsoft provides a sample PJLMON Language monitor
in DDK.
Following is the mechanism I want to use to achieve this goal:
Modify the PJLMON sample and install on the machine by modifying the
printer vendor supplied .INF file. In PJLMON sample add logic to
notify a UI application about the status changes( really I don't know
whether using Named pipes will work here, But I will try Named pipes.)
The UI application will listen for the status changes and update UI

Is this logic going to work? Am I going in a right direction? someone
please help me. Please direct me to some useful resources , books or
I appreciate you all for taking some time to read this message .


I'm afraid my opinions on outsourcing prevent me from giving you the answer
you had hoped for.
Don't you think that it's a bit inappropriate to ask the experts when they
are faced with loss of jobs due to you and your countrymen lowballing task
costs and wages?

Perhaps someone can be found to help you at the usual consulting fee.


Chuck don't be an ass.
what is the usual consulting fee?
you sound like a racist red neck to me
the guy has a job and is trying to do it - that is what
this site is for - freely sharing information
you know your bitterness could well result in you having
cancer - lighten up man

Marc Reinig

So no one out side of the US should bother asking questions here? Get a

Marc Reinig
System Solutions



If you're lucky, the destination printer reports its status via EP0 of
its USB port. This will make things easier. Please check what kind of
printer you're using.

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