USB FLOPPY = "B" Drive???



Hi, USING WIN XP HOME w/all SP2 updates. Dell Dimension 2400

I have a USB SAMSUNG Floppy Drive, and am trying to make a boot disk.
All the instructions refer to the "A" drive. Duh? My Floppy shows
up as "B". What can I do to change "B" to "A"???.

Thanks, for the usual great help!

Picture Rocks, AZ

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Hi, USING WIN XP HOME w/all SP2 updates. Dell Dimension 2400

I have a USB SAMSUNG Floppy Drive, and am trying to make a boot disk.
All the instructions refer to the "A" drive. Duh? My Floppy shows
up as "B". What can I do to change "B" to "A"???.

Thanks, for the usual great help!

Picture Rocks, AZ

Have a look at your motherboard manual. Does it say
that it can boot off a USB floppy drive? Does the BIOS
have an option to boot off a USB drive?
Sep 15, 2005
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Re: USB FLOPPY = "B" Drive???

If you are not using the onboad floppy controller try disabling it so that the "A" drive is no longer reserved for its use.

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