USB Communication with C#



Does anyone out there have or know of any example programs
for the UD128A8D using C#. UD128A8D is a Multi-Function
Data aquisition module.

The device works well with the included software written in
Visual Basic, but is a little bit limited. I would like to
try and write a C# program to access this device. The
device came with some Visual Basic examples that I would
like to try and convert to C#, but my Visual Basic is very
limited to Non-existant. Some of the VB code looks as
follow, I would like to know what it would look like in C#?
Because this is just a hobby to me, any program I get to
work, I would be glad to make public.
Any help would be appreciated!

'create a variable to hold the enumerated device
Public WithEvents Connected As BDaq.BBDaqEnum
Attribute Connected.VB_VarHelpID = -1

'create a variable to hold each accessed device
Public WithEvents Device1 As BDaq.BBDaqDevice
Attribute Device1.VB_VarHelpID = -1

Public filenum As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()

'create an instance of BBDaqEnum and set it to the variable
Set Connected = CreateObject("BDaq.BBDaqEnum")
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

'Check if the device variable still exists
If Not (Device1 Is Nothing) Then

'Close it to make sure

'Get rid of the device variable
Set Device1 = Nothing
End If

'Get rid of the device collection variable
Set Connected = Nothing
End Sub

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