uru pc game



when I play uru my screen flickers a lot then frezzes up I have to hit the windows desktop and the uru will run I have to do this 3 or 4 times into the game then a couple of times i get a " your virtural memory is low is that why uru does not play right my computer is only 3 months old 256 ram amd processer running windowd xp pro please help thanks.

Paul Smith

valerie said:
when I play uru my screen flickers a lot then frezzes up I have to hit the
windows desktop and the uru will run I have to do this 3 or 4 times into
the game then a couple of times i get a " your virtural memory is low is
that why uru does not play right my computer is only 3 months old 256 ram
amd processer running windowd xp pro please help thanks.

First I'll deal with virtual memory as that's a bit easier. :cool: Virtual
memory is a kind of temporary storage for data the game is using when it's
running. It's a lot like RAM, but it uses space on your hard disk drive.
The most common reason for this message to pop up is simply you're running
low on space on your hard disk drive.

Click on 'My Computer' in the Start Menu or on your Desktop,

A new window should pop up with the drives in your computer listed, it's
most like the C: drive if you right click on that icon and click on

This will bring up a new window showing the free space among other things,
it's generally a good idea to always keep a few GBs free. If it's running
low on space time to have a sort though to free some space up.

As for dealing with the flickering the most common reason of strange display
issues is out of date drivers, or an incompatible video card.

To find out what graphics card is in your machine, right click on 'My
Computer' and go down the menu and click on 'Properties'.

This will bring up the System Properties window, click on the 'Hardware' tab
at the top and then click on 'Device Manager'

Another window will appear listing the hardware in your computer. If you
expand the 'Display adapters' tab it will list video cards in your machine -
the two most likely ones are going to be either the nVidia GeForce
(http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp) or the Ati Radeon
(http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html) if it's something else post back or
do a search to find a web site.

Basically you'll need to go to the respective site and download and install
the latest drivers, in most cases this will solve the issue, it's also good
practise to have a look through the 'Read Me' file (usually in the same
directory as the game on the Start Menu).

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
http://www.doom3portal.com/ A Doom 3 fansite.
http://www.dasmirnov.net/articles/sp2preview.htm Service Pack 2 is coming!

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hi paul and thanks for your help ok i did what u said i went to the divice manager and found the Nvida Geforce4 440 with agp8x does that help any? thats what I have running just bought it about 3 weeks ago i installed the drivers it came with a cd.

Paul Smith

val said:
hi paul and thanks for your help ok i did what u said i went to the divice
manager and found the Nvida Geforce4 440 with agp8x does that help any?
thats what I have running just bought it about 3 weeks ago i installed the
drivers it came with a cd.

Yup... The ones on the CD are likely at least several months old (perhaps
even years!).

The current latest ones can be downloaded from
http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_2k_56.72 make sure to check the
"installation hints" page too which is here

This *should* (should having a special meaning in computer terms lol) solve
the flickering issue.

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
http://www.doom3portal.com/ A Doom 3 fansite.
http://www.dasmirnov.net/articles/sp2preview.htm Service Pack 2 is coming!

*Replace nospam with smirnov to reply by e-mail*

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