URL encoded text automatically decoded?


Ben Amada

Hello group. I'm passing URL encoded text (actually HTML) via querystring
to a webform. Part of the encoded text looks like:

... %3Cfont%20color%3D%22yellow%22%20size%3D%227%22%3E ..

However, when I put a breakpoint in my code behind and check the value of
the querystring value (Request.QueryString("text")), it shows up already
decoded. So the above text in the immediate window shows up as:

... <font color="yellow" size="7"> ..

I originally planned on using Server.URLDecode, but it seems as though .NET
is automatically decoding the HTML -- is this correct OR do I still need to
use URLDecode?

Any insights / explanations are very welcome!

Mr Newbie

To test this you should write a little loop which outputs the string to the
Output window.

Debug.write . . . .

And write character by character, this way you can be sure.

Ben Amada

Mr said:
To test this you should write a little loop which outputs the string to
the Output window.

Debug.write . . . .

And write character by character, this way you can be sure.

I'll give that a try and see what happens -- thanks!


Ben Amada

Mr said:
To test this you should write a little loop which outputs the string to
the Output window.

Debug.write . . . .

And write character by character, this way you can be sure.

Hello again,

I tested this out and found when I check each character within
Request.QueryString("text"), the HTML is showing up as decoded. Looking at
the querystring value in the address bar of the browser, it is encoded. I
guess it doesn't hurt that .NET is automatically decoding the HTML, but I
was just thrown as I didn't expect this automatic decoding to take place.


Mr Newbie

It makes sense really.

Glad you diagnosed it though, nothing better than proof provided by self !

Regards Mr N . . .

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