Urgent - server started locking read only D/B for 10 seconds?



I have an access d/b on a web server. There are .asp programs that
access it. It was working fine until this morning when I made some
local data updates to the d/b on my own machine and replaced
everything on the web server.

Now it works fine for the *first* access, but a second attempt to get
to the d/b without waiting 10 or 15 seconds gives me this:

Provider error '80004005'
Unspecified error
/Servdip.asp, line 28

Line 28 is the CONN OPEN statement. All programs in question are READ
ONLY use code like this:

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADOdb.Connection")
Conn.open "newdb"
Set RS = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.open SQL, Conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly , adCmdText

For some reason it is now locking the D/B. It happens on any table in
the D/B. I tried a compact and repair and then updated again... same
thing happens.

Any ideas ?


Some additional information:

- Same error occurs on both my local web server (win2003) and the
remote Internet hosted server.

- I just replaced the d/b with an older version and replaced one of
the programs with an older version. Same problem occurs.

- Same error can be generated from other clients on the public web.

- Stopping and restarting the server made no difference (although it
releases the lock).

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