URGENT: How to prevent data in cells from changing?



I really need help here. Appreciate any comments. Preserntly, I have a
excel workbook containing a lot of worksheets (tabs). a few are linke
to a central server and the information is updated automatically. th
other sheets currently need to be manually updated cos the data in th
automatically updated spreadsheet is only kept for a few days, in th
sense that the old values are removed and the new ones are added
However, in the other sheets that have are not linked to the server,
have to manually copy and paste the new data. I am unable to link th
sheets together (using = to the other cell in the automatically update
sheet) since the old data is removed and the value reflected in th
linked cell will be 0. How can I stop this? What I want to do is tha
once the value is updated in the server-linked spreadsheet, it shows u
in the non-server linked spreadsheet (via the = function). However,
want the data to remain unchanged (not changed to 0) in th
non-server-linked spreadsheet even once the data from the server-linke
spreadsheet is removed. Something like a one-change then lock kind o

Anyone knows what can be done? Any function in excel that can do this
Sorry for the long story, I couldn't think of any way to explain th

I really need a solution (if any) to this problem fast. Thanks for al
the help


Although I am not a pro...

One way of solving this is if the location of the linked cells do not
change, and there are frequent updates to the server sheet is to code
it something like this

Sub StaticSave
End Sub

and repeat the code for each linked range. I am sure there is a better
solution, but this would work and allow you to update it when the server
sheet is updated.

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