urgent help with xp embedded!



I required urgent help and I hope somebody is willing to
answer all my questions!

OK, I am building an embedded image for a Tablet PC ON a
flash card (128mb).


1. I've followed through the online tutorial on how to
build a basic image which I believe comes to around
120mb. What is the best way to reduce the footprint size?

2. Lets say I add the basic networking components. But
when I boot up the image, there is no way to actually
configure the network settings? I can't even add a new
network connection due to missing DLL's. The control
panel doesn't even contain the necessary icons. What's
going on here?

3. Even though I've imported my devices.mpq, when I boot
into the image, the hardware list IS there but for things
such as audio/display the drivers aren't installed? The
video reverts to the basic VGA adapter when it SHOULD be
using the trident drivers. Again these WERE imported from
the devices.mpq and added to the components. Not sure if
I explained that one properly ;)

4. How do I add the active desktop component? I can't
seem to find it. Shouldn't this be included when you add
the explorer shell component?

5. How do I get rid of the extra empty folders that
appear in the control panel? Not sure why they're even
showing up. They're just folders when no name tags and
they don't do anything!

That's it for now with more questions coming later.
Thanks in advance for any help!

Andy Allred [MS]

Read up on the tip articles on the microsoft.com/windows/embedded/xp site.
Also, read up on some of the great XPe MSDN articles and white papers. There
tons of info on how to trim your footprint.

For your questions on "what do I need to do for feature X and feature Y",
check up on the Google archives of this newsgroup. There is so much
information available to you, take advantage of it

I don't know anything about active desktop to know what shell or IE
components are required. The "how to configure my networking" has been
discussed in the NG archives many dozens of times, the empty folders in
control panel are weird effects due to some components owning features that
are responsible for their respective icon, while other components own the
icons for multiple features even though they may not be related to the
feature itself, weird I know, but you'll see that those bogus icon's
associated feature isn't installed. OEMs have typically removed the icons
they don't want to display, whether the icon was bogus or not, to both clean
up the control panel as well as lock the system down from the user.

Good Luck.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

Slobodan Brcin

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