Urgent Help Required - Conditional Formatting



Not sure if this is possible... I have applied conditional formatting to a
cell in a row of information, to fill with colour on input of a specific
answer from a drop down.

Can I make the whole row change to the same colour along with the cell on
input of the answer.... can't find out how.

Any help much appreciated.

Jim Rech

You can made an entire row respond to a single cell entry with conditional
formatting quite easily.

Say you want a format change to all of row 1 when cell A1 has the value 100:

-Select the entire row.
-In the Conditional Formatting dialog select "Formula is" from the Condition
1 drop down.
-Use =$A$1=100 as the formula (the "$" are important)
-Enter the desired format.

| Not sure if this is possible... I have applied conditional formatting to a
| cell in a row of information, to fill with colour on input of a specific
| answer from a drop down.
| Can I make the whole row change to the same colour along with the cell on
| input of the answer.... can't find out how.
| Any help much appreciated.
| thanks

Bob Phillips

Yes, select all cells. In CF, use a formula (Change Condition 1 to Formula
Is), and lock the column in the formula, such as




(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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